GSA aims to please with cloud offerings

March 2, 2011

The General Services Administration already has a project management office set up for cloud computing where it is working on a few initiatives including infrastructure-as-a-service, software-as-a-service, and email-as-a-service.

Steve Kempf, commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, tells Federal News Radio when it comes to cloud services the agency is looking at how it can provide some added value to what is already on the schedules program.

So with infrastructure-as-a-service, can we align the service offerings from the commercial vendors in a way that the government wants to buy it in order to meet its cloud computing objectives. How can we tweak that a little bit to put it in the place and the way the agencies want to buy it in order to be successful in their operations?

Listen to Kempf’s entire interview with Federal News Radio.